The Story Behind the Shield: The Twisted Plaque

Every masterpiece bears its creator’s mark. For centuries, artists have signed their work – not out of pride, but as a promise. At Twisted, that promise takes the form of our plaque.

It’s a small thing, really. Machined aluminum, precisely engineered, meticulously placed. But like everything we do, its simplicity belies its significance.

Each plaque represents hours of craftsmanship. Countless decisions. Moments where good enough wasn’t. It speaks of early mornings in the workshop, of discussions over the smallest details, of the pursuit of something beyond the ordinary.

You’ll find it placed thoughtfully – sometimes visible, sometimes hidden. On certain builds, it sits proudly on the dashboard, a daily reminder of the journey from standard to extraordinary. On others, it’s more subtle, known only to those who understand its meaning.

But regardless of its placement, each plaque carries the same weight. It’s our signature. Our guarantee. Our way of saying that this vehicle has been touched by people who care about the difference between excellent and exceptional.

The plaque doesn’t make the vehicle – our craftspeople do that. But it marks the moment when a vehicle becomes more than the sum of its parts. When it becomes Twisted.